Greek Mythology

Monday, April 18, 2016

Psyche Continued

 Psyche was sat in her giant comfy bed when she sensed someone enter the room. She looked to the door, but saw nobody.

"Hello?" She asked timidly.

"Hi." A voice said back. "Uh, I'm sorry we have to meet this way. The thing is, I kinda wanted to be with you. Oh, gods, this is harder than I thought."

Psyche jaw dropped. This was an invisible man! And, I guess he is her husband too?

"Are you supposed to be my husband?" Psyche asked.

"Yes. Sorry, but this was the only way I was supposed to meet you. There are people after me and you, which is why I can't show you what you look like. I can't be here during the day, either. And the number one ground rule is you can't look at me while I'm sleeping. This is the only way for us to be together. Oh, yeah, I forgot... You may not love me back..." Psyche's husband trailed off.

"You think you love me because I'm beautiful?" Psyche inquired.

"Well, not really. I mean, yes, you are beautiful, but I love you because of how you handled it. This is kinda creepy, but every time I watch you I think of how you haven't let your beauty go to your head. You stayed kind and sweet. That's why I love you."

Psyche's eyes widened as she smiled. That was the nicest thing anyone had ever said to Psyche in her entire life.

"Well, if we're going to be a couple," Psyche said, "I guess we'll have to get to know each other, then."

*Hi! Sorry, Psyche's story is very long and I haven't been able to write in a while. After Psyche's story, I am going to to try out something else. Thanks!*

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