Greek Mythology

Monday, February 22, 2016

Psyche Continued

When the king returned home to his daughter, he was worried sick.

"Father, what's wrong?" Psyche asked her dad when he got home.

"Sweetie, I have something to tell you." The king sat Psyche down and told her about the Oracle.

But instead of weeping or crying, Psyche just sat there. She accepted her fate, and was ready to marry that monster. And she assumed that 'marry' is the same thing as 'get eaten for dinner' to a monster.

Psyche's father was heartbroken, but Psyche said to him, "Don't cry for me father. I assume that if I don't marry this monster then it will attack my kingdom. So, I will marry him, and it'll be the best thing I've done with my life."

So Psyche, in a black gown and a bundle of roses, started to climb to the tallest spire in the kingdom.

When she got to the top, she looked around for this monster. After 5 minutes with no monster in sight, Psyche decided she'd help him out.

With a deep breath, Psyche stepped up and jumped off the rock.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Psyche Continued

While Eros fell madly in love, Psyche was miserable. Her parents were waiting for the marriage requests to roll in, but surprisingly none came. Sure, men adored her. But they loved her like you might love a celebrity. She was perfect, yet unattainable. Psyche's sisters all got married, but Psyche stayed crying and lonely in her room. 

Her dad finally went to the Oracle of Delphi and asked why her daughter couldn't get married.

"Despair, King!" Thee Oracle said. "Your daughter will marry, but to a monster! Dress her for her wedding as you'd dress her for her funeral! Take her to the tallest spire in your kingdom. There, she will find her monster lover, one even the gods fear!"

The king gasped, and started the journey home. What would he tell his beloved daughter? 

Monday, February 1, 2016


Psyche was born beautiful.

"Oh wow, she was pretty, so what?" You say. No. She was the most beautiful person on Earth. People even said she was prettier than Aphrodite. Well, as you can probably guess, Aphrodite was not okay with this.

"Eros!" She screamed when she found out about this mortal maiden Psyche. Eros, Aphrodite's son, flew in with his white feathery wings.

"What's up, Mom?" He asked.

"Go visit this woman, Pysche. Make her fall in love with some ugly hobo or a poodle. We'll make her regret ever being born beautiful!" Aphrodite cackled. Of course, being born beautiful was none of Psyche's fault, but Aphrodite didn't care.

Another thing about Psyche, she wasn't just beautiful. She was smart and kind, too, but no one seemed to know that. Even with her nice persona, Psyche had trouble getting friends. Everyone was either jealous of her or admired her like she was a celebrity. 

Anyway, Eros flew down to Earth invisibly to find Pysche.

When Eros saw Psyche, though, he was so distracted by her beauty he dropped his bow, which he had pre-loaded. But, as he dropped his bow, it fired and shot Eros right in the heart. Eros immdiately fell madly in love with Psyche.

What happens next? Psyche will be continued soon!