Greek Mythology

Monday, January 4, 2016


Hallo Everyone!

  Hello all my audience. Welcome to 2016! Hopefully your year will be fun-filled and amazing. Sorry I haven't posted in a while, it is just a lot of things have been going on with Christmas and Thanksgiving and the New Year, it's just I haven't had time to post.
 Anyway, I'll stop boring you with my dull talk about business and such and tell you what is going to happen this year on my blog.

 I know I didn't finish all the Greek Gods, but I bet y'all are bored with that now so I am moving on to some of the most popular Greek myths.

 Some of them are super crazy, so prepare yourself for some weird and insane things!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Sky. I'm excited to hear about Greek Myths. Perhaps you could even rewrite some in the modern day or with some new or changed element.
