Greek Mythology

Monday, September 28, 2015

Greek Mythology Creation


   In the beginning there was nothing but the empty void of Chaos. From Chaos appeared Erebus, the personification of darkness and shadows, and Night. Afterwards, Love was born, bringing order with it. From Love came Light, followed by Gaea, the earth. Erebus and Night had two children, Ether, heavenly light, and Day, earthly light. Then, Night alone created Doom, Fate, Death, Sleep, Dreams, and Nemesis, all things that haunt mankind.
   Meanwhile, Gaea created Ouranus, the sky. Ouranus became Gaea's husband. They had the three Cyclops, who were three ugly human like people with one single eye in their foreheads, the Hundred-Handed Ones, who had one hundred arms and hands, and the twelve Titans. The Titans were perfect, strong children who glowed with power, the only children Ouranus liked. He was a cruel father, hating the Cyclopses and Hundred-Handed Ones, and pushed them into the only place he couldn't see them, Tartarus. This infuriated Gaea and she started planning to kill her husband. She made the first scythe from the earth and tried to persuade the Titans to kill Ouranus. All were too afraid except for the youngest Titan Kronos. Kronos said that he would need the help of four of his siblings to overthrow Ouranus and become king of the world. He promised whoever would help him would get one of the four corners of the earth. The six girls and Oceanus, one of the boys who had an interest in water, refused, but the other four boys were eager to have power. Iapetus, Krios, Koios, and Hyperion were the four other male Titans that helped ambush Ouranus. Gaea invited him down and pretended everything was okay, when The five Titans sprung from the shadows. Iapetus, Krios, Koios, and Hyperion held him by his arms and legs while Kronos got his scythe and sliced him to bits. He scattered Ouranus's remains in the ocean. 
   Kronos became king and kept his promise to his brothers. Iapetus got the west side of the earth, Krios south, Koios north, and Hyperion got east. He married his sister Rhea and had the gods Hestia, Hera, Demeter, Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus. However, Kronos had recieved a prophecy that his children would overthrow him, so as Rhea gave birth to each child, he opened his jaws and swallowed them whole. He swallowed all but Zeus, who Rhea saved, and he tricked Kronos into vomiting his siblings up. Together, the gods overthrew the evil Titans and took rule.


  1. Awesome. Did you paraphrase all of this from the website. I read through the site you linked to. This is very, very cool Skylar.
