Greek Mythology

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Perseus Continued

"Close your eyes, Andromeda!" Perseus yelled, taking out the head of Medusa and directing it to the sea monster. He heard a crackling sound and put the head of Medusa away and slowly opened his eyes.

Above him, a giant stone creature was rising from the sea, completely turned into rock.

Andromeda opened one eye. "Can I look yet?" She asked. Perseus nodded.

After looking at the stone statue, Perseus turned to Andromeda. "Want to go back to Argos with me?" He asked her. Andromeda shrugged.

"Sure. I kinda hate this place now." So Perseus picked her up in his arms and flew back to his hometown with Andromeda.


In Argos, Perseus walked into the castle with his head held high. The king's eyes basically popped out of his head.

"How? Where is the head of Medusa?" He asked.

"Right here, ya jerk!" Perseus replied, and lifted the head of Medusa. The king immediately turned to stone.

Perseus took his place as king of Argos. He and Andromeda hooked up and had a slew of kids.

That's pretty much it.

Well, that was the first myth I'm writing about! I made this one first because I really like the story, but also because Perseus is pretty much the only Greek hero who had a happy ending.

Everyone else gets chopped up or drowns or whatever, but Perseus got a hot girl, lots of kids, and awesome street cred.

That's all for Perseus! See you next time!

Perseus Continued

"You didn't bring a gift? Child of Zeus, didn't bring a gift?" The king gasped. That was really low. Everyone knew Perseus was poor.

"I can get a gift!" He protested. The king smiled.

"Would perhaps, swear on the River Styx?" The king said. Swearing on the River Styx is the most serious oath you can make. If you break the promise, you're basically asking Hades and all his demons to kill you.

"Whatever! I swear." Everyone gasped.

You see, Perseus's fatal flaw was that he was quick to prove himself.

The king leaned forward. "Bring me... The head of Medusa." Everyone gasped. Medusa was not one to be reckoned with. They say, she can turn a man into stone.


Later, Perseus was off to try and cut off Medusa's head. His mother Danae was miserable, but he had to go.

Perseus received gifts from the gods; winged sandals, a helmet that made the wearer invisible, and a bronze shield.

He also received advice from Athena, saying to get the location of Medusa from the Gray Sisters, three immortal hags that shared their one eye and tooth.

Perseus became invisible with his helmet and stole their eye. He refused to give it back until they gave him the location of Medusa. Then, he threw the eye into a lake so the Gray Sisters had to go find it and wouldn't warn Medusa that he was coming.

Perseus arrived soon at Medusa's lair. On his way in, he began to see different statues. Of people.

So, the legend was right! Perseus thought through whimpers of fear. He crept into a clearing, where a sleeping form of a woman lay.

Perseus knew right away it was Medusa. He snuck up, about to cut off her head and be done with it, when she rolled over in her sleep.

Perseus almost gasped. Medusa was hideous. She was the most ugly thing Perseus had ever seen, but another thing made him gasp. Medusa was pregnant!

Perseus remembered how she had gotten a monster. Poseidon and Medusa were getting lovey in Athena's temple, and Athena turned her into a monster.      

Killing a monster is easy. Killing a pregnant monster? Perseus didn't have the heart to do that.

He let out a sigh, which was a mistake. He closed his eyes just in time for Medusa to open hers. Perseus swung down his sword, and Medusa's head rolled to the floor.

Still closing his eyes, Perseus picked up Medusa's head in a bag and flew off.


On the way home Perseus noticed a pretty woman chained to a rock in the middle of the sea.

"Why are you out here?" He asked. The woman sighed.

"My name is Andromeda. My parents were doofus's and the gods sent a sea monster to terroize my city. My parents thought I would make a good sacrifice."

"What if I killed this sea monster?" Perseus asked.

Andromeda smiled, but it faltered. "This sea monster is super dangerous. He'd kill you."

Perseus shrugged it off. "I have a secret weapon." The sea monster soon arrived, a pillar of terror about to slay Andromeda and Perseus.

"Close your eyes, Andromeda!" Perseus warned and took out the head of Medusa.


Monday, January 11, 2016


Perseus was most famous for slaying Medusa, but he also did many other things.

His mother was born in a city called Argos. Her father, Perseus's grandfather, Acrisius, received a prophecy that his daughter's child would kill him and take over his kingdom.

Acrisius stared at his daughter, Danae, with hatred and anger and ordered his guards to lock her up in their most guarded cell.

Danae was quite beautiful, so it would be easy for her to find a husband and have a child. Danae wept, no idea what she had done to her father for him to lock her up.

One day, Danae was praying to the gods when Zeus heard her. He came down in a shower of gold and visited Danae.

They spent some time together, and well, use your imagination.

Nine months later, the guards outside Danae's cell heard a baby crying in her cell. The guards rushed to the king who ran to Danae's cell.

"Hello father," Danae said, "Meet my baby. His name is Perseus." The king gulped. Perseus meant 'the avenger.'

Acrisius was ready to slay the baby and his daughter, but then he heard that the father was Zeus.

Instead of killing them -because Zeus would kill him if he did- he locked them in a box and floated them out to sea.

Later, Danae was praying to Zeus in her box. Zeus heard and convinced Poseidon to make the box wash up on an island.

There, Perseus and Danae grew up. When Perseus became a man, he was invited to a party with the king of the island. The king of the island didn't like Perseus because he wanted to take Danae as his wife, and Perseus wouldn't let him.

He asked him what gift he brought, and Perseus went red.

"I didn't bring a gift." Perseus said. The king of the island gasped, a plan forming in his head...

This story will be continued on Monday.
See you then!

Monday, January 4, 2016


Hallo Everyone!

  Hello all my audience. Welcome to 2016! Hopefully your year will be fun-filled and amazing. Sorry I haven't posted in a while, it is just a lot of things have been going on with Christmas and Thanksgiving and the New Year, it's just I haven't had time to post.
 Anyway, I'll stop boring you with my dull talk about business and such and tell you what is going to happen this year on my blog.

 I know I didn't finish all the Greek Gods, but I bet y'all are bored with that now so I am moving on to some of the most popular Greek myths.

 Some of them are super crazy, so prepare yourself for some weird and insane things!