Greek Mythology

Tuesday, May 31, 2016


(I've decided to start writing about different mental and physical diseases.)

Anorexia is a serious mental disease that affects a persons physical health, impacting their weight heavily. The full name is Anorexia Nervosa, and it is characterized by self-starvation and very excessive sudden weight loss.

Some of the symptoms of Anorexia are:

  • Inadequate food intake leading to a weight that is clearly very low.
  • Fear of weight gain, obsession with weight and persistent behavior to prevent weight gain.
  • Low self-esteem related to body images.
  • Binge-Eating Type Involves purging and binge-eating after being starved for a while.
  • Restricting Type Does not include binge-eating or purging, but rather eats a very little-to-nothing daily.

Eating disorder experts find that prompt, intensive treatment improves chances of recovery significantly. It is very important to be aware of warning signs of Anorexia.
Warning signs include:
  • Dramatic weight loss
  • Preoccupied by weight, calories, food, and dieting.
  • Refusal to eat certain foods.
  • Frequent comments about feeling fat or overweight despite weight loss.
  • Denial of hunger.
  • Anxiety about gaining weight.
  • Excuses to avoid mealtimes.
  • Excessive, rigid exercise.

Anorexia involves self-starvation; The body is denied essential nutrients to function healthily. This can lead to many serious medical consequences, such as:
  • Abnormally slow heart rate, which raises the risk of heart failure.
  • Reduction of bone density, which causes dry and brittle bones.
  • Muscle loss and weakness
  • Dehydration, which can lead to kidney failure.
  • Fainting, fatigue, and overall weakness.
  • Dry hair and skin.

Overall, anorexia nevorsa is a very serious illness, which should be attended to as soon as possible. 


Monday, May 23, 2016

No More Mythology?

I really want to finish up with Greek Mythology, but the end of the year is already here. I may be doing other random blogs instead of the Psyche story. I think it'd be better to do something else instead of staying on just writing Greek stories.

I don't really know what I am going to do. It's probably going to just be random posts, maybe about art or something like that. I don't really know yet. Well, I guess we'll see what's going to happen next week, on Monday.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Psyche Continued

Psyche was beginning to give up all hope on finding Eros.

She was miserable. She'd been searching for Eros for a few months now, and she wasn't any closer to finding him. She rounded a corner and saw a river.

She jumped in the river, not thinking straight, and attempted to drown herself. But a satyr had been walking by and saw her, and jumped in to pull her out.

"Leave me alone!" She cried on the river bank. "I just want to die!"

"Well, that isn't going to help you. You're obviously pregnant, and you have to think about it." He said. "Could you tell me why you're sad?"

So Psyche told him, everything from her bully sisters to losing Eros.

The satyr thought for a moment. "So, you want to get to Mount Olympus?" Psyche nodded."Well, it's a good thing I know how to get there!"

Monday, May 9, 2016

Psyche Continued

Psyche was sent back down to Earth, but she didn't go back to her parents kingdom. She was determined to find Eros and win him back.

Psyche traveled far away. Once, she found a beat up and abandoned temple to Hera, which she immediately put her search for Eros on hold to clean up, because Psyche was a very kind person who respected her gods.

After cleaning it up, Hera showed herself to Psyche, saying that she would reward her for cleaning up the temple.

"Please! I just want one thing!" She cried. "To see my beloved Eros again!"

Hera shook her head sadly. "I'm sorry. Aphrodite forbids Eros from you, and I can't fight another god. But when you do need help or guidance, I will be there to help."

So Psyche went on her way. She found another abandoned temple, which after cleaning up she found was a temple to Demeter.

Demeter arrived, and gave Psyche a wish, such as Hera. And Psyche wished for the same thing, but Demeter answered just like Hera.

Psyche went on, but was beginning to give up hope of being able to find Eros again.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Psyche Continued

Psyche's sisters pretended to be nice to her as Psyche showed them around the palace. On the inside, her sisters burned with jealousy.

Psyche's sisters convinced her to let them visit again, and while they visited the put doubt of Psyche's husband in her mind. Eventually, Psyche was desperate to see what her husband really looked like. So, at night, she got up with a lamp and saw who her husband is.

Psyche's jaw dropped as soon as her eyes fell on her sleeping husband.

"My husband is... Eros?" She whispered, which probably was a bad idea. Eros' eyes snapped open, and he flew in the air, wide awake. Psyche looked around and saw the palace crumbling into dust.

"Psyche! Do you not remember my rules?" He said, his eyes burning. Psyche cringed and whimpered.

"Now we can't be together! I don't want that, but that's  how it has to be. I don't want to leave, especially when you have the baby to worry about.."

"Wait, what?!" Psyche exclaimed.

"I'm sorry. This is goodbye." And with that, Eros flew away, leaving Psyche weeping, pregnant, and heartbroken.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Psyche Continued

After a long time, when Psyche and her husband (which I assume you already know who it is) have lived with each other a while, Psyche was starting to miss her family, especially her two sisters, who had already married off down below. But, why would she miss her sisters? They were always so mean and jealous of her. But, I guess that's the kind of person Psyche is.

It was day, which meant Psyche's husband wasn't home.  She thought of her sisters.

When night came, Psyche talked to her husband about her sisters coming to visit her. Her husband was very hesitant at first, but Psyche managed to get her husband to agree.

The following day, Psyche told Zephrys, the wind god who took her their in the first place to take her sisters their. So, her sisters had been swept up from Earth and taken to the floating palace. But, as soon as her sisters landed, Psyche regretted it. She suddenly remembered how mean her sisters could be.

This wasn't going to be good...

Monday, April 18, 2016

Psyche Continued

 Psyche was sat in her giant comfy bed when she sensed someone enter the room. She looked to the door, but saw nobody.

"Hello?" She asked timidly.

"Hi." A voice said back. "Uh, I'm sorry we have to meet this way. The thing is, I kinda wanted to be with you. Oh, gods, this is harder than I thought."

Psyche jaw dropped. This was an invisible man! And, I guess he is her husband too?

"Are you supposed to be my husband?" Psyche asked.

"Yes. Sorry, but this was the only way I was supposed to meet you. There are people after me and you, which is why I can't show you what you look like. I can't be here during the day, either. And the number one ground rule is you can't look at me while I'm sleeping. This is the only way for us to be together. Oh, yeah, I forgot... You may not love me back..." Psyche's husband trailed off.

"You think you love me because I'm beautiful?" Psyche inquired.

"Well, not really. I mean, yes, you are beautiful, but I love you because of how you handled it. This is kinda creepy, but every time I watch you I think of how you haven't let your beauty go to your head. You stayed kind and sweet. That's why I love you."

Psyche's eyes widened as she smiled. That was the nicest thing anyone had ever said to Psyche in her entire life.

"Well, if we're going to be a couple," Psyche said, "I guess we'll have to get to know each other, then."

*Hi! Sorry, Psyche's story is very long and I haven't been able to write in a while. After Psyche's story, I am going to to try out something else. Thanks!*

Psyche Continued

Psyche sighed. The sun was going down, and she was incredibly nervous to meet this super rich and powerful 'monster' of a human.

After some exploring, Psyche found what could have been the master bedroom. She looked around, seeing the pretty design of the room. She saw a giant closet, and decided to see if there was anything she could wear to bed.

As she opened the closet, she was surprised to find that all of the clothes in there looked like they would fit her. And even more surprising was, that all of the outfits looked familiar. With a jolt, Psyche realized those were clothes that Psyche would wear.

Psyche changed into a pair of pajamas, the comfiest she'd ever had, with adorable little footies. She crawled into the giant bed, for the sun had gone down completely now. She was very nervous for what her husband was, if he was this monster like the oracle's prophecy said.

Psyche thought of what her husband was like. She tried to go to sleep, but her thoughts racing around her head keeping her up.

It was going to be very hard to go to sleep.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Psyche Continued

The more Psyche explored this mysterious floating castle, the more intrigued she was own who the owner was.

She found closets full of diamonds and jewels. There was a gigantic all-you-can-eat buffet. Psyche also found out that there were invisible floating servants cleaning everything constantly.

"Who lives here?" Psyche spoke aloud while she was exploring.

"The master of this house," A voice answered. Psyche jumped, then realized it must be one of the invisible servants.

"And who is the master of this house?" Psyche asked.

"Why, your husband." The maid said.

Huh, Psyche thought, so the monster even the gods fear owns this castle?

"And who's my husband?"

"The master of this house."

Psyche sighed. Who was this monster and where was he?

"Don't worry, your husband will come when it becomes dark. Until then, enjoy the buffet. It is quite delicious." The servant said.

So, I guess I'll wait until my new husband comes...

Monday, March 7, 2016

Psyche Continued

You would think that when Psyche jumped off the tallest mountain in her kingdom, she'd have died, right?


Just before Psyche was to hit the water, she stopped in mid-air.

"What?" She exclaimed, looking around in bewilderment.

"Hi, Psyche! Thanks for boarding Zephyr Airlines. We know there are lots of winds you can take, so we appreciate your service. Have a nice flight!" A voice said, it's source invisible.

"What?" Psyche repeated, but her voice was carried away as she was swept away by the wind into the distance.


For what seemed like forever, but was probably only 5 minutes, Psyche was taken to an enormous palace in the sky.

"Thanks for flying on Zephyr Airlines, Psyche!" The voice said, probably Zephyr, god of wind. "Go on inside, He'll be waiting."

"Wait, who?' Psyche asked, but Zephyr was already gone.

Psyche turned around, took a deep breath, and stepped towards the palace.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Psyche Continued

When the king returned home to his daughter, he was worried sick.

"Father, what's wrong?" Psyche asked her dad when he got home.

"Sweetie, I have something to tell you." The king sat Psyche down and told her about the Oracle.

But instead of weeping or crying, Psyche just sat there. She accepted her fate, and was ready to marry that monster. And she assumed that 'marry' is the same thing as 'get eaten for dinner' to a monster.

Psyche's father was heartbroken, but Psyche said to him, "Don't cry for me father. I assume that if I don't marry this monster then it will attack my kingdom. So, I will marry him, and it'll be the best thing I've done with my life."

So Psyche, in a black gown and a bundle of roses, started to climb to the tallest spire in the kingdom.

When she got to the top, she looked around for this monster. After 5 minutes with no monster in sight, Psyche decided she'd help him out.

With a deep breath, Psyche stepped up and jumped off the rock.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Psyche Continued

While Eros fell madly in love, Psyche was miserable. Her parents were waiting for the marriage requests to roll in, but surprisingly none came. Sure, men adored her. But they loved her like you might love a celebrity. She was perfect, yet unattainable. Psyche's sisters all got married, but Psyche stayed crying and lonely in her room. 

Her dad finally went to the Oracle of Delphi and asked why her daughter couldn't get married.

"Despair, King!" Thee Oracle said. "Your daughter will marry, but to a monster! Dress her for her wedding as you'd dress her for her funeral! Take her to the tallest spire in your kingdom. There, she will find her monster lover, one even the gods fear!"

The king gasped, and started the journey home. What would he tell his beloved daughter? 

Monday, February 1, 2016


Psyche was born beautiful.

"Oh wow, she was pretty, so what?" You say. No. She was the most beautiful person on Earth. People even said she was prettier than Aphrodite. Well, as you can probably guess, Aphrodite was not okay with this.

"Eros!" She screamed when she found out about this mortal maiden Psyche. Eros, Aphrodite's son, flew in with his white feathery wings.

"What's up, Mom?" He asked.

"Go visit this woman, Pysche. Make her fall in love with some ugly hobo or a poodle. We'll make her regret ever being born beautiful!" Aphrodite cackled. Of course, being born beautiful was none of Psyche's fault, but Aphrodite didn't care.

Another thing about Psyche, she wasn't just beautiful. She was smart and kind, too, but no one seemed to know that. Even with her nice persona, Psyche had trouble getting friends. Everyone was either jealous of her or admired her like she was a celebrity. 

Anyway, Eros flew down to Earth invisibly to find Pysche.

When Eros saw Psyche, though, he was so distracted by her beauty he dropped his bow, which he had pre-loaded. But, as he dropped his bow, it fired and shot Eros right in the heart. Eros immdiately fell madly in love with Psyche.

What happens next? Psyche will be continued soon!

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Perseus Continued

"Close your eyes, Andromeda!" Perseus yelled, taking out the head of Medusa and directing it to the sea monster. He heard a crackling sound and put the head of Medusa away and slowly opened his eyes.

Above him, a giant stone creature was rising from the sea, completely turned into rock.

Andromeda opened one eye. "Can I look yet?" She asked. Perseus nodded.

After looking at the stone statue, Perseus turned to Andromeda. "Want to go back to Argos with me?" He asked her. Andromeda shrugged.

"Sure. I kinda hate this place now." So Perseus picked her up in his arms and flew back to his hometown with Andromeda.


In Argos, Perseus walked into the castle with his head held high. The king's eyes basically popped out of his head.

"How? Where is the head of Medusa?" He asked.

"Right here, ya jerk!" Perseus replied, and lifted the head of Medusa. The king immediately turned to stone.

Perseus took his place as king of Argos. He and Andromeda hooked up and had a slew of kids.

That's pretty much it.

Well, that was the first myth I'm writing about! I made this one first because I really like the story, but also because Perseus is pretty much the only Greek hero who had a happy ending.

Everyone else gets chopped up or drowns or whatever, but Perseus got a hot girl, lots of kids, and awesome street cred.

That's all for Perseus! See you next time!

Perseus Continued

"You didn't bring a gift? Child of Zeus, didn't bring a gift?" The king gasped. That was really low. Everyone knew Perseus was poor.

"I can get a gift!" He protested. The king smiled.

"Would perhaps, swear on the River Styx?" The king said. Swearing on the River Styx is the most serious oath you can make. If you break the promise, you're basically asking Hades and all his demons to kill you.

"Whatever! I swear." Everyone gasped.

You see, Perseus's fatal flaw was that he was quick to prove himself.

The king leaned forward. "Bring me... The head of Medusa." Everyone gasped. Medusa was not one to be reckoned with. They say, she can turn a man into stone.


Later, Perseus was off to try and cut off Medusa's head. His mother Danae was miserable, but he had to go.

Perseus received gifts from the gods; winged sandals, a helmet that made the wearer invisible, and a bronze shield.

He also received advice from Athena, saying to get the location of Medusa from the Gray Sisters, three immortal hags that shared their one eye and tooth.

Perseus became invisible with his helmet and stole their eye. He refused to give it back until they gave him the location of Medusa. Then, he threw the eye into a lake so the Gray Sisters had to go find it and wouldn't warn Medusa that he was coming.

Perseus arrived soon at Medusa's lair. On his way in, he began to see different statues. Of people.

So, the legend was right! Perseus thought through whimpers of fear. He crept into a clearing, where a sleeping form of a woman lay.

Perseus knew right away it was Medusa. He snuck up, about to cut off her head and be done with it, when she rolled over in her sleep.

Perseus almost gasped. Medusa was hideous. She was the most ugly thing Perseus had ever seen, but another thing made him gasp. Medusa was pregnant!

Perseus remembered how she had gotten a monster. Poseidon and Medusa were getting lovey in Athena's temple, and Athena turned her into a monster.      

Killing a monster is easy. Killing a pregnant monster? Perseus didn't have the heart to do that.

He let out a sigh, which was a mistake. He closed his eyes just in time for Medusa to open hers. Perseus swung down his sword, and Medusa's head rolled to the floor.

Still closing his eyes, Perseus picked up Medusa's head in a bag and flew off.


On the way home Perseus noticed a pretty woman chained to a rock in the middle of the sea.

"Why are you out here?" He asked. The woman sighed.

"My name is Andromeda. My parents were doofus's and the gods sent a sea monster to terroize my city. My parents thought I would make a good sacrifice."

"What if I killed this sea monster?" Perseus asked.

Andromeda smiled, but it faltered. "This sea monster is super dangerous. He'd kill you."

Perseus shrugged it off. "I have a secret weapon." The sea monster soon arrived, a pillar of terror about to slay Andromeda and Perseus.

"Close your eyes, Andromeda!" Perseus warned and took out the head of Medusa.


Monday, January 11, 2016


Perseus was most famous for slaying Medusa, but he also did many other things.

His mother was born in a city called Argos. Her father, Perseus's grandfather, Acrisius, received a prophecy that his daughter's child would kill him and take over his kingdom.

Acrisius stared at his daughter, Danae, with hatred and anger and ordered his guards to lock her up in their most guarded cell.

Danae was quite beautiful, so it would be easy for her to find a husband and have a child. Danae wept, no idea what she had done to her father for him to lock her up.

One day, Danae was praying to the gods when Zeus heard her. He came down in a shower of gold and visited Danae.

They spent some time together, and well, use your imagination.

Nine months later, the guards outside Danae's cell heard a baby crying in her cell. The guards rushed to the king who ran to Danae's cell.

"Hello father," Danae said, "Meet my baby. His name is Perseus." The king gulped. Perseus meant 'the avenger.'

Acrisius was ready to slay the baby and his daughter, but then he heard that the father was Zeus.

Instead of killing them -because Zeus would kill him if he did- he locked them in a box and floated them out to sea.

Later, Danae was praying to Zeus in her box. Zeus heard and convinced Poseidon to make the box wash up on an island.

There, Perseus and Danae grew up. When Perseus became a man, he was invited to a party with the king of the island. The king of the island didn't like Perseus because he wanted to take Danae as his wife, and Perseus wouldn't let him.

He asked him what gift he brought, and Perseus went red.

"I didn't bring a gift." Perseus said. The king of the island gasped, a plan forming in his head...

This story will be continued on Monday.
See you then!

Monday, January 4, 2016


Hallo Everyone!

  Hello all my audience. Welcome to 2016! Hopefully your year will be fun-filled and amazing. Sorry I haven't posted in a while, it is just a lot of things have been going on with Christmas and Thanksgiving and the New Year, it's just I haven't had time to post.
 Anyway, I'll stop boring you with my dull talk about business and such and tell you what is going to happen this year on my blog.

 I know I didn't finish all the Greek Gods, but I bet y'all are bored with that now so I am moving on to some of the most popular Greek myths.

 Some of them are super crazy, so prepare yourself for some weird and insane things!