Greek Mythology

Monday, March 21, 2016

Psyche Continued

The more Psyche explored this mysterious floating castle, the more intrigued she was own who the owner was.

She found closets full of diamonds and jewels. There was a gigantic all-you-can-eat buffet. Psyche also found out that there were invisible floating servants cleaning everything constantly.

"Who lives here?" Psyche spoke aloud while she was exploring.

"The master of this house," A voice answered. Psyche jumped, then realized it must be one of the invisible servants.

"And who is the master of this house?" Psyche asked.

"Why, your husband." The maid said.

Huh, Psyche thought, so the monster even the gods fear owns this castle?

"And who's my husband?"

"The master of this house."

Psyche sighed. Who was this monster and where was he?

"Don't worry, your husband will come when it becomes dark. Until then, enjoy the buffet. It is quite delicious." The servant said.

So, I guess I'll wait until my new husband comes...

Monday, March 7, 2016

Psyche Continued

You would think that when Psyche jumped off the tallest mountain in her kingdom, she'd have died, right?


Just before Psyche was to hit the water, she stopped in mid-air.

"What?" She exclaimed, looking around in bewilderment.

"Hi, Psyche! Thanks for boarding Zephyr Airlines. We know there are lots of winds you can take, so we appreciate your service. Have a nice flight!" A voice said, it's source invisible.

"What?" Psyche repeated, but her voice was carried away as she was swept away by the wind into the distance.


For what seemed like forever, but was probably only 5 minutes, Psyche was taken to an enormous palace in the sky.

"Thanks for flying on Zephyr Airlines, Psyche!" The voice said, probably Zephyr, god of wind. "Go on inside, He'll be waiting."

"Wait, who?' Psyche asked, but Zephyr was already gone.

Psyche turned around, took a deep breath, and stepped towards the palace.